NRW patent validation
Developing innovative ideas from research into market-ready products and solutions - that is the aim of a funding competition for patent validation in NRW. To achieve this, the state is relying on cooperation between companies and science.
North Rhine-Westphalia is characterized by a strong and permeable education system. Nevertheless, relative to the size of the state, the number of university inventions ready for application is low. The reasons for this are the comparatively low expenditure on research and development, as well as the low number of research-intensive large companies in patent-intensive sectors such as automotive engineering.
The aim of the "NRW Patent Validation" funding call is therefore to increase the application maturity of university inventions (prototype funding, proof-of-concept) and their application-oriented validation to improve the chances of exploitation through licensing, sale or through a spin-off from the university. This seems necessary because inventions and patents are often so far ahead of their time that it is too risky for companies to invest in them before proof-of-concept.
Strengthening cooperation between business and research
The "NRW Patent Validation" funding competition operates on two levels: In the first phase, the scientific potential of research and knowledge dissemination institutions (universities and non-university research institutions) is activated for the validation of patents. In the subsequent second phase, links between science and research are initiated and consolidated in collaborative projects. This should enable the results obtained in the first phase to be further developed towards market maturity in cooperation with a company.

Förderbekanntmachung „NRW-Patent-Validierung" 2. Runde
The call is aimed at:
- small and medium-sized enterprises
- research and educational institutions
The deadline for the first submission round was 28.02.2023 (expired). The deadline for the second submission round was 29.02.2024 (expired). The deadline for the third submission round is 28.02.2025. The deadline for the fourth submission round is 30.06.2025.
The "NRW Patent Validation" funding call provides for a one-stage application procedure. Applications can be submitted via the EFRE.NRW.Online-Portal.
Find your contact person
Lars Frings
(administrativ, betriebswirtschaftlich)
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
Dr. Hendrik Vollrath
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
Further links and downloads
GreenCraft - Strengthening and optimizing the environmental transformation through the skilled crafts sector
The project plans to bring together private and commercial customers, trade businesses, architectural firms, funding bodies and others on one platform. This platform provides targeted and individualized information on environmental projects, including their funding framework, and supports project preparation, implementation and communication in particular.
The project deals with the ever-increasing electrification of energy demand. In particular, the conversion of car traffic to electromobility or heating systems to electrically powered heat pumps are pushing electrical distribution grids to their performance limits. Decentrally collected measurement data, for example from charging stations for electric cars, will be used to determine the current grid status. On this basis, controllable loads such as charging processes can be switched in a targeted manner so that the distribution grids can be operated efficiently.
The aim of the project is the climate-friendly and energy-efficient recycling of mineral residues in the construction industry. Calcium ions are extracted from construction waste. Sand and gravel can be extracted from the calcium-free construction waste and used as secondary raw materials in the construction industry.
Lab to Field
The project deals with chitosan-based nano- and micro-formulations for use as biological plant protection products in agriculture. Among other things, essential oils/terpenes are encapsulated in a matrix of chitosan. These formulations have a dual effect: a direct antimicrobial effect against pathogens (biopesticide) and a plant-strengthening effect (biostimulant). One of the next steps is to determine the required concentration of the active ingredient in the laboratory.
Pad with probiotic bacteria to heal skin infections
The project is based on an invention for the treatment of skin diseases using probiotic bacteria with a skin patch. The aim is to cure common skin diseases without serious side effects and without or with reduced use of antibiotics.
Quick-start valves to increase the performance and efficiency of exhaust throttled pneumatic drives
Compressed air drives are widely used in industrial automation technology. The project is developing a new type of quick-start valve that can significantly increase the energy efficiency of existing drives, improve operating behavior and reduce complexity.
Power electronics is a key technology for reducing power consumption in industry, electromobility and in all households. In this project, two inventions are being further developed with which the switching losses in most power electronic systems can be significantly reduced. The applicability of the patents will be demonstrated using so-called power factor correction circuits, which are found in almost every mains-powered device.
Nitrogen oxide separation with catalyst particles from an inline synthesis
The project is developing a technology for nitrogen oxide separation in flue gases from biomass combustion. The invention involves the synthesis of tiny catalyst particles directly in the flue gas duct of a combustion plant, which ensure the degradation of harmful nitrogen oxides. The process is to be further developed with a prototype.
The project focuses on an extrusion device and a process for the extrusion of meltable material in the field of 3D printing. The evaluation is to be carried out by creating a prototype.
The project focuses on a periodic semiconductor device that is used as a technological form of photosynthesis. It is to be used in photocatalysis and photoelectronic cells to produce green hydrogen, for example, or to split carbon dioxide and convert it into renewable energy sources.
The aim of the project is to dye dry leather in a targeted and flexible manner using a process for which a patent application has been filed. Only dyes and CO2 are used as solvents for dyes, thus enabling resource-efficient dyeing by saving dyes and dispensing with water.
Photonic reservoir computing with non-planar topology
In the project, an integrated chip for artificial intelligence (AI) applications was developed and manufactured in the form of photonic reservoir computing. This can be used, for example, to analyze the transmission quality of fiber optic connections. The project aims to implement solutions for limitations in the current reservoir architecture.
Disruptive design of biogenic forceps with compliant structures
The project pursues the approach of replacing dominant materials in the tool industry, such as metal or plastic, with renewable raw materials. Furthermore, a design principle is used that significantly reduces the number of components and therefore the need for assembly.
The project aims to further develop a patented technology that enables efficient and rapid genome editing or genetic modification of plants using laser-induced shock waves. The transfer of the transformation process to important crops should create the basis for universal application in plant breeding.
Air-operated diaphragm pumps are often used to pump liquids. However, these have a low level of efficiency if the differential pressure generated by the pump is significantly lower than the supply pressure of the compressed air. The invention developed in this project offers a simple way to increase efficiency by optimizing the load cycle of the pneumatic pump drive.
The project aims to develop a head coil prototype for ultra-high field (UHF) MRI. Based on a novel antenna concept, the prototype will have a higher number of antennas. This will increase the efficiency of the arrangement and enable a higher signal-to-noise ratio.
Active geogrids for earthquake protection
The project validates an innovative technology to improve earthquake protection by modifying geogrids - mat-like elements in the form of plastic nets - using an intelligent system.
The BIEvalid project is validating a new concept for rectifiers that can be optimized for the respective area of application in terms of price or efficiency.
Reliable current sensors are required to measure power transport through high-voltage direct current terraces. The aim of the project is the patent validation of an optical measurement method that compensates for temperature effects in the sensor and is more cost-effective and reliable.
Magnesium fluoride particles that mimic the most important properties of cells in terms of shape, size and refractive index are being developed as part of CIPa. Their suitability for calibrating cell biological, optical measuring devices is being validated.
Energy Patch
Energy Patch aims to create the conditions for a new type of autonomous power supply in the form of a thin and flexible film for use in the Internet of Things. For this purpose, a new type of energy storage film is combined with a photovoltaic film.
Freeform uncoiling bending
The further development of roll-off bending to so-called free-form roll bending means that even profiles that have already been bent can be modified. This allows components to be used elsewhere before they are recycled or missing parts are replaced.
hiRecCam is a calibration system that enables the exact calibration of mirrors in a solar tower power plant in real time.
Low-cost mass flow control
The project deals with a new low-cost process for universal sensorless or low-sensor mass flow control on mechanical conveying systems for bulk materials.
There is a high demand for high-precision, complex-shaped thin glass components, for example in the semiconductor sector. Memform3D aims to improve quality and cost-effectiveness and also address new applications.
The production of quantum electronic components with low manufacturing tolerances is a technical challenge. With the approach pursued in the MemQus project, the novel quantum structures for quantum computing, for example, can be produced using significantly simpler and more cost-effective manufacturing processes.
Optimization of hardware-in-the-loop-based calibration
The project is testing a patent-pending methodology for automating the calibration process of vehicle control units by combining AI and classic optimization approaches.
The project is developing a prototype of a patented, maintenance-free heat exchanger to save energy in bathroom showers - the second largest energy consumer in the household.
The TTV-Fets project aims to overcome the challenges of integrating two-dimensional materials such as graphene - a modification of carbon - into modern electronic devices. The focus is on field-effect transistors, a type of transistor that uses an electric field to control the flow of electric current.
Processing of martensite-forming alloys
The 3D printing of metallic components is limited. With the process to be validated, cracking of certain low-wear and corrosion-resistant alloys during 3D printing can be prevented by heat treatment just below the melting temperature.
The aim of the project is to realize a new type of low-cost radiation camera that can detect any absorbed radiation without cooling and has ideal sensitivity, for example for detecting infrared radiation in medical technology, and monitoring industrial processes, thermography within building technology, environmental monitoring and as a night vision system in the automotive industry.
Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen
Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!