Pact for Information Technology 2.0
The state of NRW supports extracurricular initiatives that teach pupils application-oriented computer science and programming skills.
Over the past two decades, digitalization has become a central element of value creation in numerous areas of work and will continue to gain in importance as economic and social processes become increasingly interconnected. Computer science was introduced as a compulsory subject at schools in North Rhine-Westphalia for the first time in the 2021/2022 school year. However, learners' inadequate computer science and programming skills remain, which should be increasingly counteracted by practice-oriented extracurricular formats.
Partner network for practice-oriented offers
Through the "Pact for Computer Science 2.0", the state of North Rhine-Westphalia aims to inspire pupils for the STEM field and increase their affinity for technical and digital contexts in the long term. As part of the call for projects, the beneficiaries will develop extracurricular concepts to promote digitalization and IT skills for learners from secondary school level 1 onwards with the help of their partner network, which consists of external experts (including company representatives, associations, freelancers), and implement them in practice. The implementation of the extracurricular concepts in cooperation with the external experts of the partner network will ensure the teaching of application-related IT skills in everyday business life for pupils.

Förderbekanntmachung „Pakt für Informatik 2.0" 3. Runde
Frequently asked questions
The call is aimed at:
- Start-ups
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Municipalities
- Communal enterprises and institutions
- Research and educational institutions
- Chambers, associations and foundations
The deadline for the first submission round was 28.02.2023 (expired). The deadline for the second submission round was 29.02.2024 (expired). The deadline for the third submission round is 28.02.2025.
It is no longer possible to submit an application.
Find your contact person
Sarah Stephan
Kontakt / Beratung
Bezirksregierung Detmold
Leopoldstraße 15
32756 Detmold
Kathrin Remmertz
52428 Jülich
Tamara Gehlen
52428 Jülich
Lea Borcheld
Beratung Antragstellung / förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Detmold
Leopoldstraße 15
32756 Detmold
Further links and downloads
Further information on the funding priorities and bases, the application and approval procedure as well as the selection criteria in the course of the online-based submission process can be found in the funding announcement:
Bits4Teens - Young IT talent for the Emscher-Lippe region
The aim of the project is to develop an extracurricular offer with modular content that is to be carried out at a low-threshold basic level with programming courses in the EnergyLab school laboratory.
Let's play! - Playful exploration of applied computer science (AI) in various fields of application
The aim of the project is to set up a series of workshops for teaching and researching practical ICT application fields, involving various practice partners as extracurricular learning locations in the sense of an agile, mobile distributed student laboratory. At its core are five implementation-oriented work packages, each with a specific IT application area in collaboration with a relevant practice partner.
IT all inclusive - Alliance for IT education in Dortmund
On the one hand, the aim of the project is to develop the "Learning module kit for the development of IT skills in school pupils (LiKES)", which includes extracurricular learning modules on the use cases of companies in the smart city sector for pupils in grades 5-9. In addition, the "DO IT together" part of the project is designed to align extracurricular activities with the special needs of pupils in the social area of Dortmund's Nordstadt district and promote them in a diversity-sensitive manner.
iCODE_ms - Informatics Competencies Oriented Digital Education in Münster
Five different workshop series are to be developed as part of the joint project, in which young people will explore application-related topics such as climate and environmental protection (ESD = Education for Sustainable Development) and thus gain access to the subject of computer science.
CraCoSu - Craft & Code for Sustainability
The project is an innovative (playful) concept for imparting knowledge. The innovation lies in particular in the combination of the game Minecraft, which is very well-known and popular with pupils, with issues relating to climate protection and sustainability.
Alvis pro - Program algorithms visually
The project aims to develop action-oriented concepts with which pupils can haptically perceive and visually study algorithms, data structures and automata in extracurricular events. Through multidimensional learning, "Alvis pro" is exploring new ways to enable more intensive and sustainable processing of algorithmic learning material.
TCR - Think Compute Repeat
The aim of the project is to design and implement learning content for pupils based on the Calliope single-board computer.
coding4u - Problem solving and modeling
The "coding4u" project focuses on five innovative professional fields with a promising future on the job market, which are developed with companies along the areas of expertise of the degree programs and related training courses: Applied Computer Science, Energy Informatics, Business Informatics, Human-Technology Interaction and E-Commerce.
PRODUS - Programming Dungeon Adventures at School
A game-based learning approach is used as the didactic basis for the project: Programming with a game framework in conjunction with mobile robots is intended to provide a playful and explorative approach to the information technology topics of "modeling, programming and algorithms" that are being taught. Current, state-of-the-art scientific knowledge from the university is conveyed and at the same time the input with regard to the technical and development-relevant needs of the companies is taken into account.
PowerUP IT-West - strengthen your digital skills
The aim of the project is to develop a step-by-step model for categorizing IT offerings and developing such offerings in various areas of competence based on the IT curricula. Furthermore, the integration of additional partners and networking with schools in the regional implementation area is a focal point. The focus is on the development of offerings in rural areas and the evaluation of subsequent implementation.
Digi-Health Heroes
The "Digi-Health Heroes" project has set itself the goal of getting secondary school pupils interested in the digital health sector and promoting the necessary programming and IT skills for a corresponding (university) education.
BitsInBuntCGN - Bits in Bunt - IT diversity for Cologne
The aim of the project is to prepare fields of innovation and priorities of the innovation location NRW for socially disadvantaged young people in terms of media education, to make them understandable and to convey them in a way that is appropriate for the target group. In addition to good knowledge of the didactic communication of difficult content, this also requires skills in dealing with a disadvantaged target group. The workshops to be designed should always include a large practical part in which the young people themselves develop mechanisms, programs or functioning models. This gives them in-depth, holistic and sustainable knowledge of how things work and how things are connected.
IT4Teens: A computer science education chain for young people aged 10 to 16 in the StädteRegion Aachen
The "IT4Teens" project aims to provide children and young people aged 10 to 16 in the Aachen city region with motivating, everyday, learner-centered IT education. The planned concepts are intended to establish an educational chain and reach new target groups. StädteRegion Aachen carries out the needs assessment of the participants and offers older pupils an insight into Aachen's start-up and corporate culture as part of a job teaser and expands the STEM fair to include the topics of computer science and digitalization. The network partners develop the extracurricular concepts, carry them out and evaluate them. The concepts are divided into three age groups in order to build them up in line with demand.
The project aims to develop and implement two modules relating to the topics of programming/robotics and AI in combination with sustainability issues. The concepts will be divided into two levels to appeal to all pupils in grades 7 to 9 at all types of school. In addition, a second concept is being developed, which is located in the leisure area of the youth centers. Three workshops will be designed for the two subject areas. After each school semester, a joint event will be held, e.g. in the form of a BarCamp, where young people can exchange ideas and network.
Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen
Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!