Regio.NRW - Transformation
Utilizing regional strengths and potential for a sustainable transformation of the economy in NRW - that is the aim of the "Regio.NRW - Transformation" funding call.
North Rhine-Westphalia is a state of regional diversity. Each region is characterized by its own strengths, challenges and potential. "Regio.NRW" is an instrument to support regions in their transformation and the further development of their strengths. The aim is to promote projects that make a decisive contribution to successfully shaping regional transformation processes with a view to the specific profiles of the regions. "Regio.NRW - Transformation" opens up a wide range of topics: The projects are intended to utilize the diverse regional strengths and potentials, open up new development opportunities as model or pilot projects or decisively expand and diversify existing regional fields of action.
Knowledge transfer with regional impact
Funded projects can, for example, focus on the transfer of knowledge and innovative technologies from universities and research institutions to commercial application in SMEs or start-ups, deal with the promotion of sustainable forms of business such as the circular economy or include climate-friendly, urban energy solutions and climate adaptation at local and regional level. In order to ensure regional effectiveness, the projects should relate to a region of at least three districts or independent cities or, alternatively, at least one million inhabitants in North Rhine-Westphalia. Flexible spatial settings and overlapping regions are possible for different projects.

Förderbekanntmachung „Regio.NRW – Transformation". 2. Runde
Frequently asked questions
The call is aimed at:
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Municipalities
- Communal enterprises and institutions
- Research and educational institutions
- Chambers, associations and foundations
The deadline for the first submission round was 31.01.2023 (expired). The deadline for the second submission round is 31.01.2025.
The "Regio.NRW - Transformation" funding call provides for a two-stage application process. Project outlines are submitted via the portal. Further information on the procedure can be found on the website
Find your contact person
Laura Urmersbach
Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Köln
Zeughausstraße 2-8
50677 Köln
Anna-Lena Mönnekes
Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Detmold
Leopoldstraße 15
32756 Detmold
Taner Akkayali
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
Aileen Ganss
Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Arnsberg
Seibertzstraße 1
59821 Arnsberg
Susanne Harrer
Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 2
40474 Düsseldorf
Philipp Berg
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
Dana Moritz
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts Straße 13
52428 Jülich
Karolin Forke
Förderrechtliche Fragen
Bezirksregierung Münster
Domplatz 1–3
48143 Münster
Further links and downloads
Further information on the funding priorities and bases, the application and approval procedure and the selection criteria in the course of the online-based submission process can be found in the funding announcement.
To clarify that the group of eligible applicants is not limited to applicants from North Rhine-Westphalia, a corresponding passage was included in the updated funding announcement under point 3.1.
Care for sustainable innovation
The project will network and implement the R&D expertise of universities, start-ups and companies in the Aachen city region and the districts of Düren, Euskirchen and Heinsberg in order to realize the digital and sustainable transformation in the healthcare industry in a cross-innovative way.
FAB.region Bergisches Städtedreieck - Transformation of the Bergisch city-triangle into a co-creative circular economy region
The aim is to operationalize the transformation task towards a co-creative circular economy through the Fab City framework and to develop an action plan for the Bergisch city-triangle.
Bergisches Kompetenzzentrum "Kreislaufwirtschaft": Development of circular economy expertise in manufacturing companies
Manufacturing companies in the metal industry in the Bergisch city-triangle are empowered for transformation by a competence center. SMEs are supported in implementing the principle of the circular economy.
Smart Energy Hub Düsseldorf/Mettmann
The project addresses key challenges of climate protection and the energy transition, including the heating transition and the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings in the Düsseldorf and Mettmann region.
Think tank
Transfer spaces for service innovations, further training and networking are to be developed in the Oberbergischer Kreis, Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis and Rhein-Sieg-Kreis districts.
Digital twin of urban green spaces
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences wants to link available environmental data and make it available to the relevant decision-makers in the Rhein-Sieg district in the form of a "digital twin" of urban green spaces.
Cologne University of Applied Sciences now wants to transform the pilot solutions developed in the preliminary project into a powerful, scalable overall system for networking science, business and public institutions in the Bergisches Rheinland region.
Circular Performer Emscher-Lippe
The aim of this project in the Emscher-Lippe region is to help close material and energy cycles.
Heat action planning for the Emscher region
The aim of the project is to support the 16 municipalities in the Emscher region in developing a joint overarching heat action plan.
Competence Network Life Sciences - KLIC.2.go
Building on the results of the previous project, the current project aims to further develop expertise in the Ruhr region in the fields of bioprocess technology and bioanalytics.
Greentech.Ruhr Deep Dive into Climate Adaption and Construction
The project aims to expand the Greentech.Ruhr network to include the construction industry and climate adaptation economy and to promote the decarbonization of the economy in the Ruhr region.
Energy management on commercial sites in the Ruhr metropolis
By optimizing the energy supply of industrial and commercial areas and reducing energy consumption, a contribution is to be made to reducing CO2 emissions in the Ruhr metropolis.
The protection of critical infrastructure (KRITIS) is to be optimized and strengthened by the project with the help of green infrastructure (GI) as an ecosystem service (ÖSD).
#digital.zirkulä knowledge and technology transfer for the digital circular economy in the Ruhr metropolis
Through networking, the regional innovation system in the Ruhr metropolis is to be expanded to include expertise from the field of the digital circular economy. The focus here is on linking digitalization and the circular economy.
In|The RegionWestphalia: Competence region for green production
The regional economic structure is to be strengthened through a future-oriented transformation in Dortmund, Bochum, Hagen, Hamm and the district of Unna.
Blockchain in logistics: innovation transfer for the "Dortmund-Unna-Hamm" model region
The aim is to transfer knowledge and expertise from the field of blockchain technology in logistics to companies in the Dortmund, Unna and Hamm regions.
Green reasons Münsterland
The Münsterland wants to promote green start-ups in the region - in particular the implementation of targeted offers in the field of ecological transformation for the start-up scene in trade and commerce.
Circular economy region Münsterland
The aim is to transform Münsterland into an innovative, resource-efficient and climate-friendly economic region. This is to be achieved by optimizing regional material cycles.
Sustainable Innovation Münsterland
The project aims to close a gap in the existing support services for SMEs in Münsterland by linking the regional economy even more closely with science.
Participatory development and flexible implementation of optimized digital sustainability reports for small and medium-sized enterprises
The Westphalian University of Applied Sciences wants to develop a digitally supported process innovation to significantly reduce the effort involved in creating sustainability reports in the Münsterland region.
Biogas Network Münsterland
The aim of this project is to develop biogas technology in the Münsterland region into a key component of future energy systems.
Recycling through innovation in the textile industry on the Lower Rhine
The Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences would like to support the textile and clothing industry in the Middle Lower Rhine region in its development towards a circular economy.
Knowledge and technology transfer for a sustainable transformation of the food industry value chain in the Lower Rhine region and OWL
The project aims to establish an interregional innovation and transformation network to bring together players in the food industry from the East Westphalia-Lippe and Lower Rhine regions.
Win4OWL - interdisciplinary science, innovative business
The regional innovation system in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region is to be expanded through networking to include interdisciplinary cooperation and a focus on the topics of the so-called "VUCA" world.
Innovative strategies for exploiting sustainability potential in the event industry in OstWestfalenLippe
As part of the project, Paderborn University aims to identify the sustainability potential of outdoor cultural festivals in East Westphalia-Lippe, translate this into innovative strategies and test specific measures in real-life operations.
Climate-neutral transformation of neighborhoods
The Energie Impuls OWL e. V. project focuses on the decarbonization of districts in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region through a supply based on renewable energies, the use of flexibilities in sector coupling and increasing energy efficiency.
Shaping circular transformation in OWL
Building on previous activities in the field of circular economy, the project aims to prepare stakeholders in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe region for the tasks arising from the circular economy.
The aim of the project is to develop East Westphalia-Lippe into a model for the successful sustainability transformation of a medium-sized industrial location through targeted regional development.
Ce:FIRe - circular.frugal.regenerative
The innovative combination of these three approaches is intended to increase the conservation, recycling and regeneration of resources. The material and product cycles in the regions of East Westphalia-Lippe, South Westphalia and the Bergisch city-triangle are to be expanded for markets with new target groups.
Production.Digital.South Westphalia - PLUS+
The aim is to develop tailor-made support services for digitalized and intelligent production processes in South Westphalia.
Arbeitgeber-Schmiede Südwestfalen - The transformation and change network
Strengthening employers in South Westphalia to combat the skills shortage with a focus on the necessary technological transformation.
In this project, the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences aims to make blockchain technology available to industrial SMEs and associated partners for logistics chains in the South Westphalia region.
Sustainable economic areas in South Westphalia
The project focuses on land-saving and climate-resilient planning and construction of development facilities, climate-friendly energy supply, climate-friendly mobility and the topic of resource efficiency in order to make economic areas in South Westphalia sustainable and fit for the future.
Alle Fördermaßnahmen ansehen
Das EFRE/JTF-Programm NRW 2021–2027 fördert Projekte aus den Themenfeldern Innovation und Forschung, Gründung und Digitalisierung, Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, Stadt und Region, Transformation in Kohleregionen sowie Strategische Technologien. Finden Sie jetzt die passende Fördermaßnahme für Ihr Projekt!